Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Today's Druid:

 The Druids of very very old I believed tuned Ritual to the needs and guidance of the Human Tribes them found them self's incarnate in.

Ancient knowledge of Gods otherkin and the Astral Worlds has not changed really but the Names Tools and Framework have very much so.

We now live in a man made ferromagnetic world.  Where Iron Steel and man generated electromagnetic energy has our world in its RF and magnetic Fog.

So both how we access the old ways, an old energies, often may have to also change. As well as what energetic cosmic tides we try and use or ride.

A focus on what is needed now and into our future should be our road maps.

Why we answer the Ancient Oak's (Druid) Call. And also how we answer the " Four Great Questions" of a true Druid Priest (as I see it).

1) Who / What will you Honor?
2) Who / What will you Serve ?
3) Who / What would you Kill For ?
4) Who / What will you Die For?

Moon Rising

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Druid Root.

Curious how many like myself, do not feel the need for, Pageantry, Robes / Chains of rank, formal Litanies or even Holly Days. To be in contact with the Druid within you, the spirit of the ancient Oak or the call of the Ley?

Tthey do have their purposes. I often use all of them.
What got me wondering was a post asking to help with a one lesson class on what a Druid is.

For me all of these things are tools and respects, but the Druid Root is deeper then the Order or The Way.

 Ritual has its purpose as do formal training but it is Soul that rides the Ley.

Moon Rising

Thursday, November 28, 2013

A modern Druid Parbil

The Wolf corned the Rabbit.

The Rabbit fearing for its life said. Wolf you know all Druids walk in the Light.

The Wolf laughed so hard that the Rabbit just slipped away.

Where there is Night there soon will be Day.


{[1275–1325; Middle English parabil }

There are several Bardic Mental torqueres in this small Parabil to help the reader discover two truths.

Can you find them and explain how the work?


{ The root word tort comes from Latin word torquere, meaning "to twist." Distort - to twist or change the shape or appearance of something. Tortuous - full of bends; winding or twisting. state, rank, condition. Latin. freedom, wisdom. -en. cause to be, become. Old English.}

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Druid Soul Test:

"Druid   Searles O'Dubhain" wrote.

  >>Searles O'Dubhain I think there needs to be a test or ritual for reincarnated spirits in DraĆ­ocht. That would be a way that a baseline could be established to address many of the issues being debated here. <<

There is "Druid   Searles O'Dubhain" you passed it with Flying Awen long ago.
The test is one words, views, actions, efforts and Life Time.

Does one have Awen, Imbas, deep insight, ? Does one walk with the Otherkin, Spirit of the Ancient Oak, listen to the Ley, known some stones are more then stone?

Makes no difference if one has ever even heard terms like Anew or Imbas. The tannin stain of ancient Oak bleeds through all you are and do.

If the ancient spirit and wisdom is there and has found a way out into life again.

Remembering, Druids were few and tribes were many.

Lip service to the old ways and instance acceptance of what the bone counters or science currently accepts as the only truth betrays most as not in working contact with Summers-Land and the Oak.

They bend like the willow or the grass in winds of current public opinion. Run from the Lighting like the rabbit.

Yet True Oak Stands as Tall as it can, shelters all that come to eat, feeds the many with little or no return.

Yet be warned standing with the Oak is to sharing the Lighting also as well as putting ones Roots into "The Well of Was"

Moon Rising
Babel Risen

TDK / The Druid King
Post script:

TDK - Sharing a comment from another Druid group I am in.
What I keep feeling / reading between the lines. Is that there seems to be a lot of Neo-Druids in many Orders and Ways. That pay lip service to the "Psychic World, Astral etc. But hold no belief it in at all or any true Occult experiences.

Richard Fox I have also seen this. They might have the jargon, might have knocked off the appropriate courses, even written a book or multiple books.... but they are void of personal experience and emotional involvement. In many cases I think we have substituted real knowledge for book knowledge....traded having power gained from experience with Nature... for displays of intelligence based upon theory that attract a lot of attention but have very little substance. Certainly not all folks are that way... but it seems like an increasing amount

Searles O'Dubhain George, you have identified one of the greatest ills facing Druids and their work today. There are many who claim to be the gurus of the movement who promote lies in order to seem to have power. I just got done with a tiff with one such charlatan and she thinks I'm a troll for even suggesting that gods might be real.

TDK -  Thoughts on being a Druid:
If you do not believe what you claim why should others?

TDK - It is interesting, many Neo-Druids study relish love and even worship the Otherkin and great deeds of our long lost Druids Heroes Gods and Goddesses one one hand.
On the other they try and fit their faith into the views of Bone Counters and Scientist that either claim be believe in Virgin birth, walking on water etc, about 2,000 years ago and Hell or nothing at all.

TDK - Druid Richard and Druid Searles, so sad but true. I think this is why Summerland keeps having write and talk about Life after Life, the spirit of ancient Oak and Ley. I often ask my self WTF why is a Pagan or Druid asking this question or that one? Do they not remember, Dream, experience, the spirit and life in all. Have they never crossed the Veils ? So over and over I talk about what every true Acorn already knows.

The Druid's Rede:

Sunday, November 3, 2013


An issue that comes up a lot in Pagan and Inter Faith circles.

My view is simple I feel that one must always respect another's rights to their on views.

This is very important.

As to respecting the others view or views . It would be asinine to discredit one's own understanding of the universe or restrain speaking honestly when ask about another's views.

If you think they are a dupe sheeple stupid or just been miss informed and programmed. That is your absolute right, no need to lie or play socially correct.

Yet their is also no reason tear away their security belief blanket either or try and make them feel bad.

After all in most cases we already have a good feel for if the other person can stand opposing views or is open minded. Poking someone with the sharp stick of esoteric reason only makes their inner dog hurt and howl.

Quill of Summerland and the Oak:

I am often requested by Summerland to share certain ideas and principles or knowledge to the Public. Out of the thousands that have a chance to read these. The Acorns or seeds of knowledge will only take root in one or two people perhaps at first posting.

This is why I add most ideas to my blogs so they can be re-found.

Yet often someone will tell me that this or that was just what they needed now to learn or be comforted by.

They are who I was supposed to reach and teach.

Such is the Druid's life as a Quill of Summerland and the Oak.

Moon Rising
Babel Risen


Friday, September 27, 2013

Claims of Ancient Druids performing Human Sacrifice.

The views of an Un-Reformed Druid on our so called Dark Druid Past or the Roman and modern archaeology claims of Druids performing Human Sacrifice
We all know history is written by the Victor and as we (the Druids of our ancient past self's) withdrew from the field of Earth's combat. We know the Romans had no reason to speak kindly or truly of us as they extinguished the burning embers of the Old ways in the Celts.

It is very simple, we served Nature and the Celtic Nations with Honor and Wisdom both in matters of divine faith and Societal Law. We accept the wisdom of our elder self's that during their time and place in the old world, the actions of the Druids as a whole were correct and as we would do again if transported back in time.

What was was and was as it needed to be. We neither accept or reject any historical records of how the Druids administrated Faith or Law for the Celtic Nations.  Today as in the past a Neo-Druid of any Bark, needs adjust the Faith and the rules to best meet the needs and levels of understanding of their tribes (or Celts)  and the Nations Laws that they serve within.

As a Druid of the Oak, be Proud stand Tall!

TDK / The Druid King

Un-Reformed Druid:  "One that claims the Staff  and duties of the Ancient Druids and accepts our ancient Druidic past without apology or judgement. " TDK

***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!

You can often find me at,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
I post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
Obituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it.
Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too. /
The Old Druid's Spot
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.
Janice's Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Do we try to keep Wiccan concepts out of Druidism or Druidry?

 Question was asked: 

Do we try to keep Wiccan concepts out of Druidism or Druidry?

There are not one set of Druid (Correct) concepts !!! 

Should we Claim the Sun but not see the Moon ???

I would hope the in vain that the Answer was Druid Self Evident. 

The Oak Lives Both in the Sun and the Moon.

Wiccan is but a Subset Witch Crafts and Witchism.

Natural Witches are a subset of Humanity, many are Druid also!

One can treat it as one of many Celtic Tribal beliefs.  (Makes not difference if you can find a historic reference or not.)

From both a Biological and Techno-Druid point of view different Functions under different energy conditions are the Cycle of life.

"Moon Rising 

Babble Risen 


Note: Perhaps it is obvious that I consider such efforts 
(Do we try to keep Wiccan concepts out of Druidism or Druidry?)
as foolish and harmful to Greater Druidia. 

There is much to be learned from Wiccan Ways. Both in handling Energy and the inter and outer Courts of ones Tribes or those one works the great Arts with .

Little is know of the Druids ancient inter courts and passing up this living vibrant workshop and Souls that is the Wicca movement to study and make Welcome in our Woods is very un Druid like !!!


***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!

You can often find me at,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
I post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
Obituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it.
Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too. /
The Old Druid's Spot
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.
Janice's Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Short walks in my Druidic Woods (I)

By TDK The Druid King.

Prelog : I find many that walk the Druid's way other share wisdom and quotes from modern and othen well read Authors of the popular Neo-Pagan Press.

Yet most of us have also walked these pages often years ago. Not that is not nice to do or even not educational and I am sure it is of help to some, even me as I have not read all and remember even less.

Still it would be nice to seem more personal Druid's wisdom insight and ponderings. Cups of Awen and Imbas pulled from our own deer wells and rough or polished stone we have picked up off our hard roads of experience.

To that end I and starting this new cover page for my own Acorns of the Ancient Oak that I have found, learned, been given by the fae  or commanded to scribe by storms filled with the lighting of Awen and thunder of Imbas. As the rain of wonder and lost wisdom showers down to the forest floor. Being but a small cauldron and seldom setting fully upright  I know I miss most but catch what I can.

Here are two:

True Knowledge:

"True Knowledge is easiest found by not looking for it but just seeing what really is around." tdk

A Druid's Training and Response::

The order of Druidic formal training or rank progression that I believe should be used. And the order using that training  when dealing with any situation in life  that comes along.

Order of Training on the Ley path of a Druid.
1) Vatis or Ovate as seer, psychic and prophet must learn to hear and see with the Psychic mind as first.
2) Bard as poet and warrior must learn to teach , how to bless and curse  (druid rhetoric {Rosc or roscanna magick poems} )   with the psychic mind, tongue and body as second.
3) Druid as wiser warrior and peace keeper must learn to deal with the Politics of Life both Human and Gods as last.

Order of use when wild and angry Bear is in your lifes path.

1) Vatis, see with all physical senses wide open  and then bring up your psychic mind and completely look at everything again in psychic light
3) Hold back the Bardic Barbed tongue and hand off Swords hilt. Let the Wise Druid in you study the Bear and use wisdom of the Owl and cunning of the Fox to plan your response.

2) Now take the Bard from your Crane's bag and let him use silver Tongue and Honey's Cauldron or Razor tongue and Adder's deadly Fang deadly with with the Bear.

And yes I do have trouble keeping the Bard in the Bag.

Moon Rising


(c) George King August 10, 2013

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Druids Altar items

 Water (the Well)

Incense (the Air and Sky)

Clay dish of live soil (Gala's Womb)

Disk of Salt (The Sea and boundaries of Life)

Candle (Sky Candle the Sun)

Stone or few ( the way of the Ley)

Live Acons(the children of the Oak)

Copper or brass Bell (the moot and voice of the Bards)

Bunch of fallen leaves (our short lives and the Celts)
Hour Glass (Ruler of Time and SummerLand)

Stone knife or Crystal with terminations ( Honor of the Fae)

Blood if you use in in a metal dish (Honor of Truth and War) .

Of Course this will not match what many other Orders may do. Each Tribe has Robes and chains of their own way.


Copyright George King August 01, 2013 Lughnasadh

The Bard and the Bark first Oak of Life's Ark

Being a Druid Bard the Craeftgemot Witancoveyne way!

I am from time to time ask how to be a Druid Bard? 

And yes there are so many books, so many tales and poems to read and ponder.

So many tools of Old and New Psycholinguistic Art and Science to learn. 

Yet in my Order I share a way that is simple, Heart and Hearth felt and connects us back to the ancient spirit and ancients of our old way. 

How long does this take pray tell? 
Just a turn of the Moon or so.
So here it so you may know.

Find a few live healthy acorns, if you can put them in a small bag or even cut off sock. 

As the Moon starts wane, carry these Children of the Forrest everywhere you go.

Talk to them any time you can, touch and hold them in your hand. 

Tell them of the Dark, of first damp soil in the Forest. 
Of struggle and unbelieved metamorphosing that awaits them in the lonely Dark. 

Of Roots first drink and shoots first Sun. 

Of being young and oh so vulnerable. 

Of growing in the Sun and singing with the wind and the Moon.

Of how their life will be, the changing of the seasons great wheel. 

Of the Times the Druids will come to them in honor Sun or Moon Wheel as it turns. 

Of growing strong and giving comfort and shelter both the small and the great that may come their way.

Of being a home to those that will fly and sing in your strong arms. 

Of giving up your leaves to the seasons and renewal from saved food in your roots.

Of sky lighting and storm of the greatest danger that is Man.

Of growing many Acorns and understanding all will not make the change . 

That You are the Sky Candles great gift, a way to feed the many that live and die so quick.

Of growing and breaking down of giving back to Mother Gala's forever earth and womb. 

Of being born anew from efforts you have sown.

Of so many things to tell the Children of the Forest.

Now as the New Moon starts to wax, write down your words you have told. Of acorns beginning till old Oaks end.

Boil it in cauldron and weave in loom of the mind till it is but a few minutes Magick  Rhyme.

Now on the night of the new Full Moon, take the children to a spot that needs the Oak and where it can grow strong and Tall.

Tear up you speech put a bit in each hole you dig.

Plant the Children of the Forest for they are not mere acorns but the Future. 

Now under Full Moon tell your True Bard's tale to the Children and the sweet Moon's night 

Spun straight from your Heart's own Loom.

Welcome Bard Druid and before you go home be sure and kiss the Moon.

The Lughnasadh Lammas Moon Rising

(c) George King August 1, 2013 Lughnasadh

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The unfair Maiden.

A tale for Druid Searles O'Dubhain, Bard of Olden ways and Days

The unfair maiden daughter of the King. Cried every night to her father to fix the mirror as it showed unbeautiful.

The King called on the best Wizards of the land, paid gold out of hand.

Yet none could fix the mirror or make the maiden stop crying.

At last the frustrated Father first and than King said the awful words to the High Court.

Go to the Darkest Woods bring me the the Dark Druid. Tell him I will pay the Blood price!

Fear and cries sweep through the court like fire on a dry summer day.

But Lord we and not at War and what if he brings the Fae?

Yes my Heart is at War, I have Lost and now must pay!

So the bravest or perhaps stupidest was ordered to be on his way.

On the next Dark Moon he returned with the Dark Druid in all black with cowl even hiding his face away.

Straight to the King he was taken and all court ordered away.

Quietly the King told of his love and of his woe .

 Of all the wise ans Wizards that tried and failed.

What price to make her happy I will pay plus what I owe.

Warlock you owe me your life as you betrayed me so long ago.

I know said the King with a tearful moan.

Make my Daugher happy and I will pay the price at Black Rock.

Come the next Dark Moon as it was in days of old.

I own and give you my Soul.

The Dark Druid stood up straight and tall for one so unknown old.

Threw back his Cowl and with a loud and laughing howl

Old Friend Old Fool how can you pay with what you do not have.

Your Soul is her's and she has it in heart of hearts.

But seeing your heart is broken I take that as payment and soon will depart.

Take me now to said maid that I may fix her with the magick from the wind.

And right away the King took him to her bed chambers where she cried her nights away.

Oh she gasp Dark Druid and fell to her knees.

For all knew the tales of him the war and her Father King so so long ago.

Leave us now oh King for none but she my see my Magick and still  live as you well know.

Quickly the King retreaded past her Oaken door and by its self it did close.

As the King soiled his Royal Robes.

Now with a strangely hypnotic yet gentle voice, the Druid ask.

Child what seon the in the Metal Mirror that gives you oh such woe?

And she told him of her beauty that the metal mirror would never show.

With a smile he when to the mirror hanging on the stone wall so cold.

Put his Left palm on its center and began the chants of words so old.

From the time before men could speak and Ice covered all the Land.

Every fire and candle went out and cries of fear rang out across the Castle Grand.

Then it was done and all relit, a hush filled the Castle's land.

Now the mirror was of Blackest Oak, the copper meer dust on the floor like shining golden sand.

Look into the Mirror of the Fae the Druid did demand.

I see nothing its dark she cried and began to tear.

Look again close your eyes that you may may see what is really here.

So she did and gasp in delight as see saw her inner beauty with her new found inner sight.

And she cried oh thank you great Druid for I know now true beauty is in my soul.

A miracle you have shown me this stang and Magick night

.And as the dark moon came the Dark Druid quietly walked of of sight.


(c) George King July 30, 2013

Sunday, July 28, 2013

What are some of our old and new Druid ways

George Leslie Verge ask the Question

>>What current practice that is a part of your Druidic spirituality do you think is the closest to what our ancient ancestors may have done as well? Why do you think your suggested practice stood the test of time? — at Salty Dogs Homestead.<<

Some random or answers of mine.

 Walking The Ley and Willing The Way

 Use of Psycho-Bardic speak (D.S. or Druid Speak) to teach and triggered deeper Right Hemispheric Brain connections and memorizing activation and retriggering of related ideas and symbols.

 Climate control at a Psychic Level.

 Treating the Goddesses and Gods with respect but at a level of Peers, not slaves.

 Sheeple guidance and patience with the Human Condition.

Helping not psychic folks understand Death and Summerland.

 Keeper and sharer of both Old and New knowledge and Wisdom.

Planter of Acorns both here and in the Astral.

 Friend and Defender of the Fae.

Finding traces of the Spirit of the Ancient Oak in the Souls of others and helping them reawaken it to reconnect to  the Oak's Way. TDK

As to why?

The Words of the Rhyme speak across the sea of time.
But to see the Sea one must travel to the Shore as it was and  will  be Ever-More. TDK

A general note I believe these I have mentioned and those of others mention to be very common, among the very deverios Greater Druidia but perhaps just not often put into words.

Moon Rising

Druid Way, Fae, Gods. Goddess, Ley, Oak, Summerland, Bardic Speak, Druid Speak

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Simple Pleasures:

I spend a few minutes tonight doing something few in our hectic Factory made Food World have ever experienced. A few may remember and some Blessed may still do.

What was this wonderful oh so simple experience?

Slicing up a loaf of Janice's homemade all organic sour dough starter Bread.

Five minutes wasted many may say.

No five minutes blessed thinking of Mother Nature and the great blessing plants bring us all.

No five minutes wishing all could have all they need to eat, and in not also be GMO poison.

Five minutes giving thanks for our Daily Bread!

Some Druids worship No Gods or Goddesses, fear neither them, Demons or Death.

Yet we walk the true Ley with the Old Ones.

Sing with the Fae along the way.

Listen on the wind for the Wisdom of the Ancient Oak.

Bless and give Blessings for our Daily Bread.

Moon Rising

1Like · 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Shades of Awen

"Awen The Dew of The Soul" tdk

I have often found that Awen comes into one's life in three basic shades.

Awen of Sky.

The Awen that hunts and finds you.
Even on the clearest day it can strike the mind with Lighting force or like gentle rain. Giving one a dumbstruck daze or unexpected Ah ha.

The Awen of Sea.

This is the Awen of chance.
This Awen is of random and often rare finds that brings lost wisdom and ideas across the seas time and space to wash like driftwood onto the shores of your mind.

The Awen of Earth.

This is the Awen that you call upon when in need or desire.
Using the mind's sharp shovel to dig for treasures and truths buried in the Earth that are always there. But hidden deep and hard to find.

Moon Rising

TDK / The Druid King

Copyright George King July 15, 2013

The Druid and the Child

The Druid and the Child.

An old Druid was ask once long ago by a young person what the meaning of life was, should he become famous and remembered and so many other questions of youth.

He smiled and said walk with me for a day.

Ok I will gather supplies the young said.

No said the old Druid just a ember pot for the fire.

So off into the forest they went. Soon the young said I am hungry and the old Druid smiled as he headed for a very old large Oak tree . Taking off his worn cloak he said gather small fallen branches and dry leaves and put them in my cloak and it was done. Then he showed the young one how to select the best acorns and they gather a large number. All was rolled up in the cloak.

Now they went to a small spring were the old Druid reached in a took out some rocks. One was a bit bowl shaped another seemed to fit right in it and the last was thin and flat.

Then he went to an old fire circle and took out a hand full of ashes. Remembered he said with a chuckle, blew the ashes out of his hand into the wind. Who remembers the wind child?  Now he said bring the ember pot as he unrolled his cloak and stated preparing a fire with careful selection of twigs and leaves in layers.

Taking the pot he dropped in the still hot embers and gently blow the fire to life.

Then he said to the child select the best three acorns from the rest and it was done. Save these he said. Now he showed the child how to cut the lightest part of each acorn off and put into the bowl shaped rock . Tossing the rest to a near by bird that was singing in the bush. Waste not but share he said.

As the fire was going good now he put the flat rock on top of it and said each thing has its place and use.

Then he showed how to grind the acorn bits into a fine flour and said somethings but be transformed to our needs.

Then with a full of spring water he made a simple batter and put the acorn cakes on the now hot stone to cook. Patience he said as they waited for them to be well done one side.

Use care he said as he turned them with a odd old stone knife he had. Soon they were done and as soon as they cooled both ate. Take only what you need he said.

Now he handed the child the empty ember pot and said save the biggest and hottest coal you can from the ashes of the dying fire.

Keep the spark alive for tomorrow he said as he put out the fire and put the stones back into the spring. Leave nature as you found it he said.

Picking up his cloak and telling the child to bring the ember pot and the three best acorns with them as they headed back. Along the way he pointed to old and fallen trees that they had passed on there way. Stopping to plant and acorn in each spot he said observe and help when you can for you are the God of the future.

Now they were back to childs village as night began to fall . Any questions he ask of the wise young child. The child's eyes turned bright with Awen and said Master for I am you anew.

Smiling the the old Druid said in a loud voice this child is your Druid now I shall not walk this way again. Then after slipping the stone knife in the child's small hands he put this cloak over the young shoulders turned back to the dark woods and was never seen again.

Moon Rising

(c) George King 2013

Part 2 :

Awen ask not if pen ready, candle lite or paper at hand. TDK

Saturday, July 6, 2013

TDK's Recommended Children's Books for Young and Young at Heart 001

TDK's Recommended Children's Books for Young and Young at Heart 001

Our little Irish cousin (1904) By Mary Hazelton Wade
A delightful read and introduction to late 1800s life of the poor in Ireland.

And a nice introduction to some of the Druid and Fae tales plus the horrors and injustice Ireland has endured since the lost of its Druids and Kings. Yet in a way that could be shared with a young child.

Moon Rising

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Reincarnation and Soul DNA

No living Druid walks alone, invisible perhaps even barefooted but we all share the present Omni Druida Forest.

And to my surprise after walking invisible for many years. The views on reincarnation and Summerland are spread as wide as the pieces of the old shattered tower of Babel.

Still I do not believe there is any issues besides Soul DNA that affects the behavior of Humans more than how they view the afterlife or lives.

So for all Druids that wish to understand people and their behaviors, this is a Root Cause issue. Also for those that would seed the acorns of tomorrow understanding the soil we cast them into is very important.

How each of us see Summerland and reincarnation is in itself mote. How we behave because of it is trend setting. And Trend Control is Druid Science at its best.


Monday, May 27, 2013

Waning with the Moon: In stone cold ink

Sadly after reading thousands of lines of Facebook and other Social networks comments on the field of Druids and its many branches and twigs and leaves.

I find myself in a strange seemly GMO created forest, that is nothing like what resonates with my Oversoul or the Ancient Tree as I know it.

Yes there is wisdom, kindness, and caring among the many strange creatures I have meet.  Pretty Bells, nice Robes, and even a bit of Civis goodness scattered round. But what of the Adder and the Ley of the Cole-Men and of the first.

I find a Wolf or two an honored Bard here and there.  Yes these are of old Druid Blue.

But the keeper of the Egg has  not been found,  and the Moot but a hole in the ground. Perhaps a Pool for all to sit round.

I know these words to all almost make no rhyme
And the death of the last Bard is a old old crime.

But Summer is here
And yet winter comes.

The Four Ill Winds Blow
Baking Sun and Freezing snow.

So if you find me missing more.
Just look to the Moon.

The Portal of Time
Henge Key to the Rhyme

The Dark ones here.
The Druids are out of Time.

Bring Clan close
Close the Door

Spell the Mist
And perhaps we will meet in evermore.

The Druid King
Walker of the Ley

Now but a simple Adder
Washed ashore by the seas of Time.

Tower Babel is rebuild
But few to Climb
Or put hand to the Hilt.

Bury the Hearth Stone
In the Dark Quilt.

Should you see the Old Druid
That walks with a tilt

Smile, look quick away.
For the life of a Slave
Gets to live another day.

Worry not if this seems in Code
Stand on the Dolmens Node

Its just Raw Awen in Imbas True.


(c) George King

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Druid's order of training

Order of Training on the Ley path of a Druid.

Vatis or Ovate as seer, psychic and prophet must learn to hear and see with the Psychic mind as first.

Bard as poet and warrior must learn to teach , how to bless and curse  (druid rhetoric {Rosc or roscanna magick poems} )   with the psychic mind, tongue and body as second.

Druid as wiser warrior and peace keeper must learn to deal with the Politics of Life both Human and Gods as last.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Samantha Effect

Question, do you use the “Samantha Effect “ in your everyday Psychokinetic needs?

Taking advantage of the expected Pseudo positive feedback in a somewhat like Placebo effect mental training and reinforcement.

The use of gestures like Samantha (The Witch in Be Witched old TV series) wiggling her nose to make something happen is the “Samantha Effect “ 

Using and gesture will willing something to happen (Your Psychokinetic need) say like a Red traffic light to change Green.

So you already know sooner or later light will change to green. The is the Positive Feedback or Positive reinforcement effect. Same as you use with kids and pets (Oh Good boy or Good job, thanks).

The "Placebo effect" is yes it would have turned green anyway!

But the fact that you willed an event to happen, tied that to a special gesture (Hand Noise etc) and it happened reinforces the Subconscious that your will and gesture together and releasing your Magick or Psychokinesis. 

This should help you develop real true control and power. And you want to make this work automaticly  in time of emergency! 

Here is an example of what I mean. I am often a passenger in a Car. When we need a break in traffic or say are making a left turn on arrow and right turning cars should yield but does not look like they are about to. I will them to slow down or stop. Both in mind and physical gesture.

 Now if out of the blue I see a car about to hit us, this gesture and Psychokinetic action, wish or spell happens automatically with heavy energy level aimed both at the other drivers mind and the car itself.

I find it really seems to work!  And I use hand gestures as I can not wiggle my nose! Lets hear from you and if and how you do it?

TDK / The Druid King

Copyright George King April 24, 2013

Please give this Blog a little Positive feedback by clicking on a sponsor's ad. They will give us feedback by putting a few pennies in the Cat's Food Fund.

Blessing on you and yours.

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Saturday, April 20, 2013


Techno-Druidism is the acknowledgment that the Psychic, Magick and ancient works of the Druids and Cole-Men (Ice Age) was and is a Science.

The practice what we call Techno-Druidism uses both Modern Science and the Ancient Occult Sciences in Alchemical and Psychic forms Magick and Divination. This translates to we use any and all things that work from above or below if the price is right and the Karma fair.

Ancient Druids were great users of Natural Energies in what seem like Magick ways but really is just a very expanded multidimensional science. Most today have heard of Hoodoo and Vodou, but few really know that long be before even the Iron Age there was DruiDo and the hidden powers of the Ley.

"I am a Druid; I am an architect; I am a prophet; I am a serpent" and I still walk the way of the Ley. 


This is hub of or Teaching and Sharing on Facebook related to our Techno-Druidic Ways.

How to be a Druid Grove:

Our Yggdrasil (Pagan Research) Library Project:

TDK  / The Druid King - Techno-Druid

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You can often reach me at
And at our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander,
5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA
954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706
Where I will be your Person Magick Supplies and needs order filler if you like!
Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

The Blogs Roll: I post some of my views and research in the Pagus World I post my Poems often with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
Sounds of Silence "And the words of the prophet are written on the subway walls and tenement halls" This blog also has its own Face Book group. BDM the Brehon Druids Moot. This blog also has its own Face Book group. Obituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it. Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!

Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too. Old Druid's Spot Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things. Janice's Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Simple Truth about Neolithic Dolmen's

The simple truth perhaps of why Neolithic Age Stone Dolmens were build and a possible test for it.

Look closely at these structures, there are several common elements to them. Massive stones used, almost completely open on all sides. Very massive roof stone.

These structures could have severed as Neolithic Age outside emergency shelters from something very bad going on above it. The open sides would allow easy access from all directions in most cases.

What would they have protected someone from in these often very open fields?

Perhaps one or more of the following:

Lighting strikes, yet a near by hit could have still electrocuted you so this seems out. Meteorite storms.
Very large hail storms
Tornado pickups
Tractor Beam pickup blocking as mass of roof stone was to great, or a lift off landing point that’s position would be stable over centuries? Other unknown violent overhead activity?

Yes all this sounds wild but look at the size and weight of the stones, open your mind and think about modern Bus stops or safe locations in a war zone. Then think about the effort that went into creating the Dolmens. How could they have be build and why would a so called very primate people put so much effort in putting them up?

Note the open sides would indicate that they were not blocking a horizontal actions or storm winds. Yet mass and thickness of the top stone would indicate what ever was blocked or interfered with was a very great force.

Possible Testing Ideas:

Ultraviolet or Magnetic surface photography of Dolmen's top stone upper surface, this could perhaps reveal long ago impact damage marks, These test could look for common scare patterns on many Dolmens. Also deep metal detection around Dolmen sites could perhaps turn up indications of ferrous meteor impacts. Ground impedance testing or ground radar for other buried features would also be of great interest. Are Dolmens found in geomagnetic abnormal locations?

What fun we could have researching these issues!
TDK / The Druid King

Copyright George King April 14, 2013

Please help put food in the Cat's bowl by clicking on an ad from our blog sponsors on the right side. Every new look/click earns the blog a few penny! Blessings on you and yours TDK!  

ballmykeel dolmen- Ireland

You can often reach me at
And at our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander,
5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA
954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706
Where I will be your Person Magick Supplies and needs order filler if you like!
Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

The Blogs Roll: I post some of my views and research in the Pagus World I post my Poems often with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
Sounds of Silence "And the words of the prophet are written on the subway walls and tenement halls" This blog also has its own Face Book group. BDM the Brehon Druids Moot. This blog also has its own Face Book group. Obituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it. Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!

Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too. Old Druid's Spot Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things. Janice's Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.