Monday, December 5, 2011

Protect your Faith:


Go Public in a quite way, be Proud of your path, study its history both good and bad. Never preach, never try to convert another's path, but never allow others to change yours. Live a life that shows your beliefs and tolerance of others by example. Learn as much about the history of all faiths that you can both good and bad. Understand and accept that if Pagus or even just a different branch of a faiths, others in the past and also today may hate you and even try to kill you.

Be prepared to protect the freedom of all and no religious faiths by being part of the political process, keeping informed about threats to anyones freedom, voting for Sane Ration people at all levels of government. Know what is being taught to your kids and every bodies kids in school, protest if it is harmful to any. Keep freedom in school and public Liberians, see to it that your faith has its fair share of books there and in book stores too. Start teaching your children about the Magick, Psychic and wonder of nature and life everyday. Also teach them to not push this knowledge on others may see them as a threat or danger. Teach them to blend in without compromising their beliefs.

Use your Magick every day and share things like why the days are named the way they are or how the seasons and "Holly or Holy days" came to be honored. Watch modern movies and TV shows that have your faith portrayed in them, understand that many people will really believe this fiction is real. Have a survival plan for your family, coven, group, church, grove, temple, etc etc. Both for natural, political, or religious emergencies or attacks. Last accept that you and your faith could be labeled as Terrorist overnight in these crazy time of HomeLand InSecurity and those that gain by FEAR MONGERING.
The Druid King
Copyright Dec. 5, 2011 George King

Saturday, October 29, 2011

What is a Pagan? A Druid's View

Let me first say that I believe you will find my definition of what a Pagan really is may be very different than those you have heard from others. Before we dig into the core of Paganism please let me share a quote from Mr. Tom Graves that resonates with my Pagan Soul each time I read it.

 "The Earth is Alive; Living pulsing.
It Lives, but sleeps, stirring at time: and the people of cities try to ignore it, hoping it will stay asleep.

It breathes; and the wind batters the grimy arrogance of the townsman, who dreams of 'Man's increases control over the blind forces of Nature' .

 It pulses, its seasons and cycles turn in all their subtleties; and those pulses are accepted and realized in the lives of everyone and everything in the countryside." (Ref. 1)

 We have for the most part become too Civilized to know that the Earth is still alive. Modern Man as he became Citified or as we know it today as Civilized and has lost real everyday touch with Nature.

 We have even forgotten that the real War was not of Religious Dogma, but was between Pagus and Civis. For how we see our self's and who really owns the World.

 The new Faiths often called the Abramic Faiths gave Mankind dominion over Nature. Where the old Faiths had Mankind as just another one of Nature's children, living in her Garden of Life.

 It seems interesting to note that the Abramic faiths show Man as being driven from the Garden of Life because he / she ate of the fruit of Knowledge. So what did this claimed Knowledge give us?

 Law and Order of all the World as symbolized by our new culture of technology, Courts of Law, Banks Coin of the Realms, Ownership of the Land and enslavement of all that is natural. As we try to bend the thin surface of this World to our will.

 Still I believe this old story to be wrong, Man did not gain Knowledge but instead lost his higher senses and communion with his Mother Earth.

 The old Religo Paganorum, the Religion of theVillagers, the true children of the Garden of Life. These are the PAGANS and their Pagan cultures that maintained a direct symbiotic relationship with the subtle and not so subtle forces of out true Mother "NATURE", these natural Pagans accepted these forces and lived within Nature's Laws.

 Now most have left the Pagan path for CIVIS, City and Civilization. Creating a artificial separation between Mankind and Nature. Even those old old, that many today call Pagan like the Romans and Greeks had already walled Nature out and put their own names on her many faces and forces. The so called Gods and Goddesses who now could be commanded and lived in Man's stone temples. Needing special Technicians (Priest) to interface with them, for the rest of now Civilized Mankind living outside Nature's "Garden of Life".

 What I am saying is it is not not the Religion or Faith that one follows that makes you a CIVIS or PAGUS. It is are you above Mother Nature, warmly wrapped in Man's Technology, Science and living in our Man made stone caves? Or does the beat of your heart flutter with the wind and the tears of your soul fall with the rain?

Does wherever you are, a special voice whisper in your ear? These are the true voices of the old Gods and Goddesses, they are GENIUS LOCI, the spirts of a place. Nature's great caretakers that really keep life humming along. If you hear them, see them, sense them and above all work with them you are PAGUS a true Pagan and my Sister or Brother.

The Druid King

I can not thank Mr. Tom Graves enough for for his wonderful insight and special wisdom he shares with the world in his book Needles of Stone. He has opened the very doors of time to reawaken my Pagus Spirt. (Ref. 1)
The curious reader may also gain more insight in the nexus of Pagans, Witches / Druids and Witchcraft from (Ref.2 and Ref. 3)

References: Needles of Stone by Tom Graves.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Copyright October 29, 2011 by George King

Blessing and Moon Rising

You can often find me at,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll

http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World

http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.

http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it., Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!

Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too. Old Druid's Spot

Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.'s Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Schumann Resonance and Magick:

The Earth's Fundamental Electromagnetic lResonant Frequency is approximately seven and half beats per second (7.5 Hertz) and know as Schumann Resonance.
The Brains basic Alpha Theta bridge brain wave frequency (EEG) associated with the Psychic and Creativity is 7.5 hertz.
Nikola Tesla experimented with capturing the Earth's natural electromagnetic energies in 1908 that some feel were a attempt to harness the very power that creates Lighting using a Schumann Frequency collector and retransmitter.
Some of us believe there should be a direct connection in harnessing Gala's (Earth's) Magickal Powers by having the Human Mind producing Brain Waves that match the Earth's natural Electromagnetic Heart beat Schhumann frequency.
Can high level Human ideas or request be modulated on to Human brain waves that Gala (Earth's Intelligence) can understand and act upon, creating a very directed and powerful Earth Magick?
Many ideas and questions arise about this process. Like should the Human brain's EEG frequency only need to match the Schumann Resonance frequency or be near it? Or is it more complex that that and EEG needs to be PLL "Phase Lock Looped" to it? How does one really modulate their low frequency brain waves with what would appear to need to be higher frequency brain wave activity. As normal communications modulations consist of a higher frequency Carrier Wave have Lowe frequency information superimposed upon it.
A) The Human Brain's Electrical Wave Ranges as measured by Electroencephalogram (EEG).
     1) Beta waves (13-38 Hz) Produced in our normal active states of mind and problem solving.
     2) Alpha waves (8-13 Hz) Produced when we are relaxed, meditating or just chilling out.
     3) Theta waves (4-7 Hz) Produced during light sleep state, very deep meditation, hypnotic induced relaxation and deep internal visualization.
    4) Delta waves (below 4 Hz) produced in deep sleep states.
B) Electroencephalography (EEG): The process of using a very high gain electrical amplifier and filters to measure and record the brains electrical activity along the scalp of the brain. This energy is in the range of a few millionths of a volt and is created by the brain's neurons ionic flows as information and processing take place.

C) A Phase Locked Loop: Is a system where one oscillating generator ( In the case the Human Brain) goes both into Frequency step (The same Frequency) and also a 1-360 degree locked phase relationship with another, most often external oscillating generator. In our case the Earth's Schumann Resonance oscillations.

D) Modulation of information: A process of process of varying one or more properties of a high-frequency periodic waveform (Carrier Wave) with a lower modulating wave form that has information encoded into it.
It would be interesting to see if others besides Techno-Druids are experimenting in interfacing with Schumann Resonance and share notes. TDK

Copyright October 19, 2011 by George King

P.S. Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!

You can often find me at, or our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77 Ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll I post some of my views and research in the Pagus World I post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view. Obituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it., Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profits for the investors! Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.  The Old Druid's Spot
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.  Janice's Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Todays Question ? 09-02-2011

When is the last time you stopped to save an insects live?
 Now why would your Gods or Goddesses stop and take the time to help you?

These questions have no right or wrong Answers only Your Answer. They are meant to provoke your thoughts and explore what we often just take for granite.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

What is Witchcraft

Witch Craft: A group of skills, protocols, formulas, tools and other processes that allow better access to one's own Soul energy, that of other live-forms energy and certain pools of primordial energies to alter or better understand the physical universe that one occupies.

There is no Magick without using some of one's own Soul energy. Not ever for Cookbook work by non Witch. Perhaps the word Prayer (without to whom or what) illuminates this process better.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
The Druid King

copywrite August 21, 2011 George King

Monday, August 8, 2011

The One Principle that Unites Pagans, Heathens and Druids

We do not condemn others that do not take up our current path to some eternal Damnation and punishment. Nor do we judge Evil by what Path / Religion a person or group follows but by the Person's or Path / Religions followers actions or lack of actions in this World. 

Also does it have Divine claims being better and giving its chosen followers or race, special rights over others and other races of people. 

The freedom of choice without Damnation is The one Principle that Unites Pagans, Heathens and Druids as we travel our many different paths sharing, helping and learning from each other as we go.

Moon Rising

The Druid King

Copyright August 8, 2011 George king

Friday, August 5, 2011

WARNING No Warm Fuzzes Here

WARNING No Warm Fuzzes Here:

Ok I know it is  Geek Black Hat Hacker article I am asking you to read:

Here is why you should read it, copy it, understand it and share it! I am re-sharing it here in the hope that Pagans will read it and understand that the same principles of security must be used by them should Freedom of PAGAN Religions  come under Successful  Attack in America. We have been and are under constant low level attack, it just seems from what I read in F.B. And other places that for the most part Pagans these days are even more naive than Tea Baggers and Joe and Jane six pack.

  If you do not think it can happen again in America and Salem was so long ago. Please study the history of the Mormons, at one time killing Mormons, dogs and Indians was almost a scared duty in America. Or perhaps look again into the KKK, Crosses are not only for Blacks and Jews (Oh yes a Religion of the BOOK) Even America's founding Fathers the Masons have often come under attack.  Or if you keep up with the Religions Rights very successful movement in indoctrination of Army and Air Force officer training, and it being pushed down to the boots on the ground with the guns.  You already know this danger is very real, they do not just hate Muslims (another religion of the BOOK), they hate you even more.
 If all that still seems to vague please look at (The Witch Hunter Anoints Sarah Palin)

And remember how the Prohibition era came almost overnight and lasted from lasted from 1920 through 1933

 One last word from Smokey The Bear Totem ( Remember Only YOU can prevent the burning times from returning. Guard your freedoms, craft and circle  with your life.)

The Druid King

Copyright  June 23, 2011 George king

PS you may also wisj to read:

Lets create a UN Time Machine


This idea was written to help the third World, but every day I see we need in in the USA to create Jobs and sustainability.

This was a suggestion of mine to another forum, but it should hold special meaning to most Pagans as we keep the past alive and well, passing the knowledge to the next generation, and showing all that it does not have to come from Wart Mart.
Lets create a UN Time Machine .

Where we can reference, select and offer the best, technologies and training from the our Worlds past. To meet the different sustainable needs of people all over the world. Giving them the advantage of hundreds of years of progress, but at a level they can understand, use, reproduce and maintain with local materials and trainable skill sets. Both a selected mix of high and low tech. Skills like Blacksmithing or making soap from wood ash are just a few that come to mind. Home made batteries is another. Leds and Solar cells would need to come from high tech world, but making clay piping and pitcher hand pumps do not. Biochar retorts and wood vinegar distillation can be a mix of modern knowledge, modern metal scrape, old time blacksmithing. Giving locals life times of jobs, pride, safe fertilizers, safe insecticides, cleaner power and freedom from imports of the West that they and this poor world can not afford anyway.

Just because things can be mass produced does not mean it is the best way for much of our World. We can become a real life Doctor Who and help save the world. The UN can be our Tardis.

By George King on Friday, June 24, 2011 at 7:58pm Copyright George King

P.S. Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!

You can often find me at,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll

http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World

http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.

http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it., Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!

Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too. Old Druid's Spot

Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.'s Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

 Is GM "Genetically Modified" Food Seed Stock worth the extra short term yields or good for Farmers?
 Shared from a forum:

 For me, more income per hectare and Generational Farming Substantiality for the farmers world wide are very different issues. And I would rather have the later one. The Suicide rate of India's farmers that have been caught in the Western Ago Business web speak well to this. A link to just one of many articles on the issue.

On India's Farms, a Plague of Suicide  Http://

Globalization and total control of the worlds food seed stocks by big agro business is perhaps the greatest problem the worlds farming communities now face. Even the unintended tragedy  of the  E. Coli outbreak in Europe should be a wake up call on the worlds globalization  of seed stocks. There are so many advantages of local heritage seeds, money is not everything in life.
All the Best
George King
 Is GM "Genetically Modified" Food Seed Stock worth the extra short term yields or good for Farmers?

Shared from a forum:

 For me, more income per hectare and Generational Farming Substantiality for the farmers world wide are very different issues. And I would rather have the later one. The Suicide rate of India's farmers that have been caught in the Western Ago Business web speak well to this. A link to just one of many articles on the issue.

On India's Farms, a Plague of Suicide  Http://

Globalization and total control of the worlds food seed stocks by big agro business is perhaps the greatest problem the worlds farming communities now face. Even the unintended tragedy  of the  E. Coli outbreak in Europe should be a wake up call on the worlds globalization  of seed stocks. There are so many advantages of local heritage seeds, money is not everything in life.
All the Best
George King
 Is GM "Genetically Modified" Food Seed Stock worth the extra short term yields or good for Farmers?

Shared from a forum:

 For me, more income per hectare and Generational Farming Substantiality for the farmers world wide are very different issues. And I would rather have the later one. The Suicide rate of India's farmers that have been caught in the Western Ago Business web speak well to this. A link to just one of many articles on the issue.

On India's Farms, a Plague of Suicide  Http://

Globalization and total control of the worlds food seed stocks by big agro business is perhaps the greatest problem the worlds farming communities now face. Even the unintended tragedy  of the  E. Coli outbreak in Europe should be a wake up call on the worlds globalization  of seed stocks. There are so many advantages of local heritage seeds, money is not everything in life.
All the Best
George King

Copyright June 30,2011 George King

On this 07-04-2011 Forth of July

On this 07-04-2011 Forth of July

By George King on Monday, July 4, 2011 at 3:23pm
On this 07-04-2011 Forth of July as one who has carried America's Sword in one to our unholy Wars. I Bless all who have or will have to serve. May your learn truth and it not break your hearts, and Wars deaths not scar your Souls to bad. Also may you never forget those on all sides of WARs death Machine.
As you come home or or get ready to serve, or send your or someone else's children to WAR and yes by not raising your voice and vote and those of others to the level of stopping this madness, your are sending them yourself, please remember. Never forget what you see or must do, or your children will also follow the broken bloodied steps as you
As promised long ago my brothers and sisters I remember you on all sides, pray for you and forgive all who fought but not those who lined their lives with the red blooded silver and gold profits and positions gained from WAR.
And to those special one's both sides, I still hear your cry's smell the blood, can carry on the war for your honor and lost justice. Rest in peace a happiness in Sunmmerland my brothers and sisters and victims of war. You time to return is near I am sure.
For the GOOD FOLKS at your 4th of July pig out I leave you a special cake cooked by lady Janice below.
Janice Scott-Reeder
Happy 4th to all the liberal non Christian Democrats & Independents and possible gay men and women that are good enough to die in your wars but not live next door to you and marry the one they love. I appreciate your sacrifice.

Copyright July 4,2011 George King

On Other People's Faith.

At a young age I learned that I could poke holes in other peoples faith and tear it from them.  As I grew older I also learned that my Mother's blind faith covered her in a imaginary security blanket that gave comfort in our very hard life.

After Vietnam and covered with the blackness of useless death I laid down my swords of (We Are Right), hate and harm and accepted my role in this life as an X solider and now "Sky Pilot " that yes had been there and saw the truth of it,  if you remember the song.

I also came to realize that as a Druid or for any thinking Pagan, that the road we walk is a very hard one. Understanding ones actions and talking responsibility for them, is very different than blind faith. For me there is no God or Blood to forgive me and say ok it is now all right my little zombie slave.  This road I walk is often cold and has no blankets to offer anyone.

So I learned that when my mother would say that she prayed for my soul, to smile and be glad for her that her blanket of faith kept her so safe and warm.  We should all be glad that others care for us and smile as they try to share their ever so warm imaginary blanket with us.  Please do not take it from them as truth is to hard and cold a robe for most to wear.

The Druid King

Copyright July 12,2011 George King

Poems that reflect Live, Faith, Hope, sometimes simple Spells, Magick and Healing Arts. Mostly of a sweet nature.

Please consider joining the Soul Pearls blog as it can keep you up to day and really helps me by improving blog's position on search engines.  Also please support or sponsors by giving their ads a look see if interested in their product or service.  Thanks TDK

For everybody
Flower of Faith : written in green ink.
Healers and Healing:

The SENIOR SENOR  --- Written in Moon Shadow Pale Grey Ink.
Have to read them:  -:))))////

The Day The Music Cried: Written in Green and Red ink
The Goddess and Old Joe --- written in Sweet Hot Java Black Ink.
Familiars, Cats and Nature and the Fae

The S.H. Master: Written in Black soft ink

Love Slave: Written in Brown Mackerel Tabby ink.


I meet the Devil the other day: Written in Dirty Teabag Brown Ink

The Soul's Alchemy: Written in Golden Blinding Hot Ink.

Love's Change: Written in Silver Shimmering Ink

If I could Cry: Written in invisible yellow ink
See all the Poems at

Monday, August 1, 2011

Does Time Exist Reference:

Does Time Exist Reference:
Time in the living human dimension, level and perception of reality is a Serial on going single event moment process of which we recall the past observed moments and suspect future event moments. So yes for us Time Exist.
 At a higher so called God / Goddess / Fate, dimension, level and perception of reality is a self integrating parallel process with access to all event moments. So at this level No Time does not Exist but the event moment is a  "ever was, ever is and ever will be" event moment.  This is why prophecy works and the Techno-Druid saying "What ever will be has been" comes from.

  TDK / The Druid King

Copyright July 31,2011 George King

The Past is with us always as is the Future.   The CoT "Cauldron of Time" has no bottom. TDK

But I really need your help in the "NOW" please click on one of the Blog's sponsor ads on the right, they will add a few pennies to the Cats food bowl  and every penny counts! Blessing on you and yours ! TDK

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Reference What Really is a Natural Witch or Bruja / Brujo:

A Witch is a special type of human, not a Faith, Religion Life Style, Belief system or Pointed Hat.  Natural Witches are born into all races of human kind and can not help being Witches no more than most humans can help breathing.   A Witch Smeller can detect a Natural Witch with without any action on their part even when said witch is not aware of being one.
,The Witch Smeller has just enough Psychic perception for the energy interaction bleeding from a Natural Witch's Aura that the Witch or other form of strong Psychic makes their skin crawl, you could say, but not enough of the very rare recessive DNA to be a Witch them self's.  
 If we were in a more natural tribal environment when a child was born it would be examined to see if the, they did not use this term of course, recessive Witch DNA  had manifested it's self in the child. If the tale tell physical signs were there the child would be removed from its mother as soon as possible and also away from the main village or area. This was to allow its talents to grow with nature and no be over loaded with the energy and emotions  of the group. The tribes (Wise Man-Women / Witch Doctor / Shaman ) that often preformed this examination was most often not a Natural Witch, but did have other special skills and knowledge. 
Now the practice of Witch CRAFT is just that a Craft or Art.  Witch Craft or other Magick training systems can teach the Natural Witch how better to hide and to use its powers.  As a Craft like cooking it is learned and if another energy source like in cooking the stove or in the Craft the energies of Nature, Herbs, the Moon and various God / Goddess energy pools can be tapped into a not Natural witch can be very impressive also. 

The Druid King

Copyright July 2011 George King

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Craeftgemot Witancoveyne Druid Reference serving in Military of one's country:

In my faith it is a very complicated issue. Going back to ancient Celtic tribes and Druid Priest  class that guided them.

Craeftgemot Witancoveyne  Druid Reference serving in Military of one's country:   Note Soldier is used instead of Warrior as there is not Warrior Honor in modern High Technology Killing! 

1 Death) As reincarnation is a know fact to us, death it's self is not a issue but often a great waste of a lifetime learning experience.

2- Injury) Now this is a great loss to soldier, victims of the Wars, all families, their societies and World at large.  

3-Training to Fight and Kill) This is Part of the Druid and Celtic ways. We teach this and martial arts to all Celts. We teach new Druids Techno-Druid Magick of Psychic / Astral warfare / defensive  along with martial arts.
These are skills all must learn and all must pray they never need! We have a saying about the Knife over use of  Magick " Steel Always Works".

4-Honor of War and Killing) Here perhaps Druids of today have learned from the past. We have no Parades before or after of cute Tin Soldiers dressed up to kill or be praised for killing!  We do have two services of (The Knife).

The First (Going to the Knife) {going to combat}

Here a ritual blade (This Blade does not belong to She / He soldier but to the Society than does the WAR as they are the real killers) is given to them to use and carry for both Magic and direct killing) .  In this service beg the new Soldier to forgive US and our Society for asking such a great Soul Scaring thing that we send them to do.  All their pledge all to work to stop the Wars from ever being again. Everyone  but the Soldier should wear the Black of Death and Shame in this service! The young or old Soldier should wear the White of purity and innocence, even if she / he has been to War before. 

The Second (Returning of the Knife) {returning from combat} [live or dead if dead a  stand in is used for soldier]

Here is the ritual blade was lost we give the returning Wounded Soldier a replacement for the service or use the returned Blade.  I must add that all who return are wounded soldiers, the will carry the Black of Death in there eyes because of the reflection Blackness that is now in there Souls even it never harmed or had to kill them self's. A trace of this must never leave them as they must always remember the Shame and Horror of WAR. If you see a Soldier returning that does not have this Blackness in their eyes aura and soul. You see a Soulless Zombie returning that has lost it all !
The returning She/  He Soldier should wear all White with a Black and Red sash or ribbons around their waste. Also a heavy Black and Red Shaw or like across their shoulder.  Again we wear the Black of Death and Shame in this service! The young or old Soldier should wear the White of purity and innocence, even if she / he has been to War before. 
The presiding Druid will again  In this service beg the Soldier to forgive US and our Society for having sent them on such such a great Soul Scaring thing  as WAR and pledge all to work to stop the Wars from ever being again.
The ritual knife is taken from the Soldier  and it's blade is broken  both parts are cast into a hot set of coals waiting for it.  A large empty cauldron is set over the blade and coals.
Then the Red Shaw or material is removed from the soldier and all pray that the spilled blood of all sides and victims  be at peace and  forgive the soldier and society for the War. Next the Black Shaw or material is removed and all pray that the dead of all sides and victims  be at peace and  forgive the soldier and society for the War.
Next the soldier is taken over to the very hot cauldron, a Chalice  of wine has been passed to all to take a small sip
 As the say this is the blood of WAR. Then the Soldier takes a sip and says this is the blood of MY WAR. Last the presiding Druid takes a sip and starts the Magick transformation process internal to Her or Him. At this time the Soldier holds Her / His hands over the hot cauldron and the rest of the wine is poured of Solders hands as all say this this the Blood of WAR (solder saying this is the blood of my war) as the wine smokes in the cauldron and passes to the SummerLands / Heavens another  Chalice of Pure Water is started around. All is done again with with the words this the Waters grace, mercy and forgiveness. And the procedure is the same.
Last a New White sash is put around Soldier's waist then New White and Black set of Athames  are given to the Soldier and put in the sashes and  She / He is remaindered that the red and Blach are they bllod and death of war and must never be forgotten. That the white is her or His future Magick and that it should be used for the Good of All Life.

So Mote It Be The Druid King.

Copyright July 27,2011 George King  with permissions from the Church and School of Craeftgemot Witancoveyne Inc. Druid Services Class documents. C 1970

Sunday, July 17, 2011



This is the blog of The Druid King and it will reshare many of his views on things of Magick, Druids, Pagans and the two worlds at large Earth and the Astral realms. Also Social issues effect the USA and the World.