Thursday, September 18, 2014

My UPG Druidic Signs Greeting and Nemetonic Space Rituals

Here I will share some Formal and informal Hand signing greeting and creation of Nemetonic Space for Ritual or other uses.

Starting with the simple Greeting sign of first three fingers down in an Awen like sigil . Indicating one is a Druid and recognizes the gifts of Awen from Summerland and our ancient Oak,  Leys, Gods / Goddesses, Fae, our own ancestors and other Otherkin of our very ancient past.

A more Public version of arm and first three fingers up in a agreement sigil or recognizing our own Awen, work and duty to Greater Druidia, Gaia and Summerland.

This will seem fragmented until you read all of it.

Codes for Sigil positions:

ML: Mouth / Lips

LB: Left Breast or just above it.

RB: Right Breast or just above it.

BBPB: Between Belly Button and Pelvis Bone.

FH: Forehead


I Seek / I Share

In I Seek, we will see movement LB to RB for I seek (Right brain hemisphere) to (Left brain hemisphere).
The I Seek can be seen also as the requestor or student mode.

In I Share, we will see movement RB to LB for I share (Left brain hemisphere) to (Right brain hemisphere).

The I Share the answerer or Teachers mode. Yet when two people meet they can use one or the other and then also reverse them.


Making a "Druid
(Hamarr) Mjölnir"  Hammer Sigil.

I Seek:

With flat of  Left Hand or Fist for more power. Place and move in this order.


2) ML

3) LB

4) RB

5) ML

In these five movements you have formed the "Druid Hammer Sigil"

I Share:

With flat of  Right Hand or Fist for more power. Place and move in this order.


2) ML

3) RB

4) LB

5) ML

In these five movements you have formed the "Druid Hammer Sigil"

Sacred Space and casting circles (if you use them).

In calling quarters for Nemetonic space I most often prefer Widdershins starting at:

The East with I Seek Sigil

Then North I Share Sigil

Then West I Seek Sigil

and ending South with I Share Sigil.

See Deosil or Widdershins Witch Way to Turn:

Druid or Heathen Hammer Sigil:

The Normal Heathen , Bunor-Thor touching of FH is to me a "Law Met Tet" admission or God of the Head. While correct for Heathens that have Thor as their main or one of main Gods.

This is not so for most Druids and using the ML, speaks of Honor to 
Lady (Hamarr) Mjölnir and Gods Goddesses but not always subservient worship of them.

I look at using a sigil signing of Lady (Hamarr) Mjölnir in her most spiritual sense.that Wyrd (fate personified) and Orlog (fundamental law) are her Heads while Hamingja (Family Souls or Bloodlines) her fore-haf.  

Unverified personal gnosis

UPG from Lady (Hamarr) Mjölnir's  Lullaby of the Gods.

Moon Rising 
Babel Risen

TDK . The Druid King.

Copyright George King September 18, 2014  Blog may be shared freely if in full.

Use in all Druidic Rituals of course is granted. GK

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